What is neurological physiotherapy?
Neurological physiotherapy or Neurophysiotherapy is a special field of physiotherapy that treats neurological conditions in both adults and children. These neurological conditions occur as a result of injury to the brain caused by stroke, brain tumours, traumatic brain injuries, hypoxic brain injuries or Parkinson disease. Dependent on the medical condition the individual may present with various physical impairments such as abnormal muscle tone, spasticity, weakness or paralysis in the trunk or limbs, ataxia, impaired sensation and inability to control limbs. These impairments will result in reduced mobility and function for the individual. The individual may lose the ability to walk or the walking pattern and speed may become abnormal. Neurophysiotherapy is a form of rehabilitation which incorporates various treatment techniques and exercise in order to the regain or improve mobility and physical impairments. The physiotherapist does a comprehensive assessment and develops a treatment plan for the client based on goals and physical presentation. Neurophysiotherapy can be done one-on -one or in a group setting.

The human brain has both the ability to lose and regain connections / pathways, this is called neuroplasticity. Neurophysiotherapy stimulates the brain to form new synaptic connections and neural pathways thus resulting in the ability to relearn tasks such as walking or sit again.
Neuro physiotherapists does not stop at physical rehabilitation of the individual but also provides guidance and comprehensive training for a care giver or family member who needs to be learn how to care for someone with physical impairments. The training may involve how to do various wheelchair transfers, correct positioning, pressure relief techniques, passive movement and stretches and home exercise routine consolidation..
Neuro physiotherapists are also skilled with prescribing and setting up mobility equipment such as wheelchairs, walking frames, crutches and sticks. They may even order you an AFO or a dropfoot stimulator for a dropped foot or a splint for positioning a painful or swollen joint.
A physiotherapist will use outcomes measures in order to measure your progress and guide your rehabilitation. Neurophysiotherapy is usually enjoyable if the client, family and physiotherapist all work together towards a common goal.
Knoll Physiotherapy is a neurophysiotherapy practice situated in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. We provide neurophysiotherapy services to both adults and children at an outpatient practice in Rosenpark , Bellville. The practice is well-equipped and wheelchair friendly. The physiotherapist has special training in neurology and is friendly , caring and reliable.